Thursday, August 4, 2011

Unlimited Detail Real-Time Rendering - Or really cool graphics

Hey guys, I know the posts have been few and far between but I haven't forgot about you.
I also know a lot of my recent posts have been related to music, and not so much tech. So here's something that's been receiving a lot of attention recently.
Its called 'Unlimited Detail Real-Time Rendering.' And it could be the next great advance in computer graphics.
Last year, a company named "Euclideon" came out with a technology demo demonstrating the power of their graphics capability. They use this 'unlimited detail rendering' by, instead of using a polygon and using several polygons to create what you what see in say, a video game world for example, all shapes are comprised of many  'atoms' which allows 'point cloud data' to make something that looks better than anything present in most current technology. A year went by and most people compared their claims like vaporware. A well planned hoax or perhaps they weren't as ahead as they led people to believe.
Euclideon came back on the tech world's radar when they released this video to YouTube a mere 4 days ago.

They have been hard at work to come up with this demo, with several comparisons of the graphics technology with current games today. Everything seems pretty impressive thus far, and indeed this could be the next big thing. Several people are already deeming it impossible to run in real time; remember, this demo is like a still image. There is no motion occurring. And because of that, the nay-sayers are telling us that it would be impossible to run this on any typical or above average consumer PC. The end of the video claims they have run tests at 20 FPS, but we haven't seen that yet.
What do you guys think? Is the technology real here? Is it soon?

-Personally, I think its a step but its far from hitting the masses. The claims of the kit being released to game developers within the next few months is quite a heavy statement. Although they did disappear and came back with this, its hard to say whether this will actually be industry standard any time soon. I think they're legitimate and everything is real, but the claims beyond what is shown are too high.


  1. I hope they're the real deal but some of the promises they made seem improbable, so I'm still a little skeptical.

  2. As inverse said, some of their promises seem optimistic at best. Guess we will have to wait and see.

  3. Sorry to point it out, but Notch has revealed this to be a hoax/scam:

  4. Interesting technology. That's why I want to be an engineer. :D

  5. It's a scam? Really? Meh, I should've known? xD

  6. i can't really say its a hoax/scam. graphics people will know that there has been voxel rendering for a long time. i personally haven't seen it presented like this before so i find it impressive.

  7. It's a scam. Voxels have existed forever, and what they have is highly impractical due to the size requirements for all of the data, and the difficulty in animating all so many points. Don't get me started on simulated physics.

  8. Well, I'm gonna wait and see what happens when it's released for the developers. Only then can we see how good it really is.

  9. I saw this a while ago I can't believe what games will be like with them using. Everyone don't forget that technology grows exponential fast so this will be more useful in the near future.
